At SportsFit, we are excited to announce a new service to our program - Exercise Physiology.
At SportsFit, we believe in using Exercise Physiology as a PROACTIVE approach to reduce our rate of injury and re-injury. Exercise Physiology is also targeted at combatting metabolic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. To put it simply, we use exercise as medicine.
Our exercise physiology sessions are designed to help you improve your functional capacity, movement patterns and confidence. Addressing these areas will effectively assist in keeping those aches and pains away. These sessions and programs are designed to help you achieve YOUR goals and each exercise that is given is given for a purpose. It’s not just a HIIT class.
Our exercise physiologists are also trained in developing exercise programs for all levels from beginners to the experienced gym go-ers.
The SportsFit Exercise Physiology program is led by Edmond
You can read more about AEP's here